Question: Normalize wavefunctions



Does anyone no how to normalize wavefunctions such that the plot on the right looks like the one on the left.

Here's my code:-

schro := {diff(psi(x), x, x)-(alpha*x^4+x^2-energy)*psi(x) = 0};

ic := {psi(3) = 0, (D(psi))(3) = 1};

Ic := [{psi(3) = 0, (D(psi))(3) = -1}, %$2];

E := [1.06538, 3.306, 5.74796];

schro1 := [seq(subs(energy = e, alpha = .1, schro), e = E)];

soln1 := [seq(dsolve(schro1[i] union Ic[i], {psi(x)}, type = numeric), i = 1 .. nops(E))]; with(plots);

display(seq(odeplot(soln1[i], [x, psi(x)], -3 .. 3, color = [red, blue, green][i]), i = 1 .. nops(E)))


Thanks in advance

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