Question: How can I make fsolve return a solution for a system of nonlinear equations

So I am trying to find the structure of a material from x-ray diffraction data. To accomplish this I have to solve a system of nonlinear equations. Since there is some unaccuracy in the measurements I wanted to use a numerical tool, so I am trying to solve using fsolve. To check that I am doing this correctly I am trying to solve a set of similar equations where I know the solution. My code is shown below.

eqs := {(2^2/a^2+2^2/c^2-2*(2*2)*cos(x)/(a*c))/sin(x)^2 = 1/2.2393^2, (2^2/a^2+4^2/c^2+4*(2*2)*cos(x)/(a*c))/sin(x)^2 = 1/1.5968^2, (1^2/a^2+sin(x)^2/b^2+2^2/c^2+(2*2)*cos(x)/(a*c))/sin(x)^2 = 1/2.7896^2, 1/sin(x)^2*(2^2*sin(x)^2/b^2) = 1/2.8650^2}


For this system I know that a = 5.44 b = 5.73 c = 7.89 x=pi/2, but fsolve only returns the input.

Am I doing something wrong or should I use a different function? I am quite new to Maple, so have some patience with me.

Thanks in advance.

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