Question: Decompose a given vector x into a product of a matrix A and a given vector u

I have a vector x of this type:

x :=Vector[column]([A__11*u__1+A__12*u__2+...+A__1m*u__m,




If I define u:=Vector[column]([u__1,u__2,...,u__m]), then it is clear that the equation has the form x=A*u.

I want to extract the matrix A, for the given vectors x and u.

IMPORTANT: I know I could create a loop (i=1 to m) and set u__i=1 and all other u__j=0 (for all j not equal i) and then reconstruct each column by this method, but it seems to be a overkill for such an easy problem.

I would be glad, if someone could show me a method how one can achive this in maple.

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