Question: Multiple plot for different values of M

I m using the follwing commands for ploting the five differnt values of M

SDfd1 := odeplot(dsol[1], [eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], -1 .. 1, color = green, axes = box);
SDfd2 := odeplot(dsol[2], [eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], -1 .. 1, color = red, axes = box);
SDfd3 := odeplot(dsol[3], [eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], -1 .. 1, color = blue, axes = box);
SDfd4 := odeplot(dsol[4], [eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], -1 .. 1, color = black, axes = box);
SDfd5 := odeplot(dsol[5], [eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], -1 .. 1, color = pink, axes = box);
display([SDfd1, SDfd2, SDfd3, SDfd4, SDfd5], labels = ["η", "f ' (η)"],
    labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical], labelfont = [italic, 16], axes = boxed,
    axesfont = [times, 14], thickness = 3);

But i do not want in colors.....i need graph without colors in different styles. how can ? Moreover i need legend which must be in centre of graph or within the box. It must not on left, right ,up or below. can some one help ?

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