Question: Simplify solution to system of equations


I have an 8x8 sytem of equations where I can easily solve the first 2 equations by hand. If I solve the full system in Maple it gives me some ugly expressions and I would like to simplify it. I know that, at least some of it, can be simplified since I have solved two equations by hand. It is easy to show that N_M=(W_M/(B*K_A^(1-B)))^(1/(B-1)) and X_N=(W_M/(B*K_A^(1-B)))^(B/(B-1))*K_M^(1-B), but Maple gives me some result with logarithms.

Can anyone help me solve this system of equations and get some nice solutions, if at all possible?

Thank you!

Yoy can find my Maple file at:

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