Question: foldl for sequence

Hello, i have been trying to use the foldl function as a means of generating data as i do by iterating the seq call in the worksheet attached, but it has not been as straight forward as i thought. Im certain at least someone here already does this for the same reason, so if you know the code, sharing would be much appreciated.

F := frac(m[1]^2+m[2]^2+m[3]^2-2*m[1]*m[2]*m[3]/(m[1]*m[2]+m[1]*m[3]+m[2]*m[3]))

`minus`({seq(seq(seq(piecewise(F = 0, [m[1], m[2], m[3]], F <> 0, 0), m[1] = 1 .. 100), m[2] = 1 .. 100), m[3] = 1 .. 100)}, {0})




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