Question: HELP !! Maple doesn t want to give me the integral expression


I have to create a function "I(epsilonc)" by integrating a function "sigma(y)"  from 0 to the variable "epsilonc"

but maple doesn t give me the actual formula of the integrated function, it only gives me equation 4 which is utterly useless to me.


How do I get Maple to actually calculate and give me the integrated function ??

Any help will be greatly appreciated



`ϵc1` := 2.1*10^(-3);



`ϵcu1` := 3.5*10^(-3):

Ecm := 31000:

fcm := 25:

Fy := 500:

Es := 200000:


As := 1885:

b = 250:

d := 450:


eta := epsilon/`ϵc1`:

k := 1.05*Ecm*`ϵc1`/fcm:





`σc` := proc (epsilon) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*epsilon/`ϵc1`-epsilon^2/`ϵc1`^2)/(1+(k-2)*epsilon/`ϵc1`) end proc;

proc (epsilon) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*epsilon/`ϵc1`-epsilon^2/`ϵc1`^2)/(1+(k-2)*epsilon/`ϵc1`) end proc


plot(`σc`, 0 .. `ϵcu1`);



#Pressure as a function of y (y=`ϵc`*y/x) :

`σc` := proc (y) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)) end proc;

proc (y) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)) end proc


Iy := proc (y) options operator, arrow; int(fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)), y = 0 .. `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+Fy/Es)) end proc;

proc (y) options operator, arrow; int(fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)), y = 0 .. `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+Fy/Es)) end proc



Error, (in int) integration range or variable must be specified in the second argument, got `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+1/400) = 0 .. `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+1/400)


solve(Iyy*b = Fy*As, `ϵc`);







`ϵc1` := 2.1*10^(-3);



`ϵcu1` := 3.5*10^(-3):

Ecm := 31000:

fcm := 25:

Fy := 500:

Es := 200000:


As := 1885:

b = 250:

d := 450:


eta := epsilon/`ϵc1`:

k := 1.05*Ecm*`ϵc1`/fcm:





`σc` := proc (epsilon) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*epsilon/`ϵc1`-epsilon^2/`ϵc1`^2)/(1+(k-2)*epsilon/`ϵc1`) end proc;

proc (epsilon) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*epsilon/`ϵc1`-epsilon^2/`ϵc1`^2)/(1+(k-2)*epsilon/`ϵc1`) end proc


plot(`σc`, 0 .. `ϵcu1`);



#Pressure as a function of y (y=`ϵc`*y/x) :

`σc` := proc (y) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)) end proc;

proc (y) options operator, arrow; fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)) end proc


Iy := proc (y) options operator, arrow; int(fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)), y = 0 .. `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+Fy/Es)) end proc;

proc (y) options operator, arrow; int(fcm*(k*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)-`ϵc`^2*y^2/(x^2*`ϵc1`^2))/(1+(k-2)*`ϵc`*y/(x*`ϵc1`)), y = 0 .. `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+Fy/Es)) end proc



Error, (in int) integration range or variable must be specified in the second argument, got `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+1/400) = 0 .. `ϵc`/(`ϵc`+1/400)


solve(Iyy*b = Fy*As, `ϵc`);






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