Question: Output not correct for a piecewise

Hi, I realise it looks a little messy and I apologize for that, but I wanted to exclude the data pairs for which x or y are equal to 1, and the manner in which I have done has always worked for me thus far, so I would like to understand why or how I should produce output like this in the future thanks in advance.



`𝓃` := proc (X) options operator, arrow; numer(X) end proc:

`𝒹` := proc (X) options operator, arrow; denom(X) end proc:

delta := proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; piecewise(x = y, 1, x <> y, 0) end proc

[seq(seq(piecewise(`or`(`mod`(`&nscr;`(product(1-delta(`mod`(x, ithprime(j)), 0)/ithprime(j), j = 1 .. x)), y) = 0, `and`(`and`(`and`(`mod`(`&dscr;`(product(1-delta(`mod`(y, ithprime(j)), 0)/ithprime(j), j = 1 .. y)), x) = 0, igcd(x, y) = 1), x <> 1), y <> 1)), [x, y], NULL), x = 1 .. 20), y = 1 .. 20)]

[[1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1], [8, 1], [9, 1], [10, 1], [11, 1], [12, 1], [13, 1], [14, 1], [15, 1], [16, 1], [17, 1], [18, 1], [19, 1], [20, 1], [3, 2], [5, 2], [7, 2], [9, 2], [10, 2], [11, 2], [13, 2], [15, 2], [17, 2], [19, 2], [20, 2], [7, 3], [13, 3], [14, 3], [19, 3], [5, 4], [13, 4], [15, 4], [17, 4], [11, 5], [7, 6], [13, 6], [19, 6], [15, 8], [17, 8], [19, 9], [11, 10], [13, 12], [17, 16], [19, 18]]









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