Question: fsolve for system of nonlinear of equations

When I used fsolve command for a system of the nonlinear algebraic equation, the result will be one set of solution

for example:

f := x+2*y = 3;
g := y+1/x = 1;
fsolve({f, g});
              {x = 2.000000000, y = 0.5000000000}


where when we use the solve command

we will get

solve({f, g});
               {x = -1, y = 2}, { x = 2, y = 0.5 }.

The question is:  why fsolve command give the values of x and y (x=2 and y=0.5 ) and ignore ({x = -1, y = 2})?

why didnt give ({x = -1, y = 2}). and ignore (x=2 and y=0.5 )?


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