Question: Casesplit applied to a system of PDEs

Dear friends,

I'm trying to solve a linear system of PDEs. After applying the casesplit command Maple returns: 

diff(U, z, y, x, x) = 0; diff(G, y,y,z) = diff(U,x,y,z);  diff(G,x,y,z) = diff(U,x,x,z)     

(with U(x,y,z), G(x,y,z)) 

The solution to the first equation is U = F4(x, y)+ F3(x, z) + F2(y, z) + x*F1(y, z). 

However, given this solution, I cannot satisfy diff(G,x,y,z) = diff(U,x,x,z).  What could I be doing wrong? 

Many thanks for your help.  

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