Question: How do I plot something that will have an undefined value in Maple?

inequal({F__i*(1-e__0/k__b)/A__c+M__min__B/Z__t >= sigma__ti, .8*F__i*(1-e__0/k__t)/A__c-M__max__B/Z__b >= sigma__ts, .8*F__i*(1-e__0/k__b)/A__c+M__max__B/Z__t <= sigma__cs, F__i*(1-e__0/k__t)/A__c-M__min__B/Z__b <= sigma__ci, abs(e__0) <= `(e__0)__mp`}, 1/F__i = 0 .. 10, e__0 = -5 .. 5, color = "Niagara 2")
I get the error trying to do this:
Error, (in plots:-inequal) invalid input: Plot:-Inequality expects its 2nd argument, r1, to be of type name = range(And(realcons, Not(infinity))), but received `1__`/F__i = 0 .. 10
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