Question: How do I solve a differential equation in Maple?

How to solve a system of partial equations with boundary conditions.I used this formula

sys_Pde := diff(V(x, t), x, x) = 0, diff(T(x, t), x, x) = 0;
BC := eval(diff(V(x, t), x), x = 1) = 0, eval(V(x, t), x = 0) = 1+cos(w*t), eval(T(x, t), x = 0) = 0, eval(T(x, t), x = 1) = 1;
   {T(x, t) = _F1(t) x + _F2(t), V(x, t) = _F3(t) x + _F4(t)}
pdsolve({BC, sys_Pde});

Error, (in PDEtools:-ToJet) found functions to be rewritten in jet notation, {V(1, t)}, having different dependency than the indicated in [V(x, t)]


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