Question: two layer thermal flux



I'm new in Maple!!

I am try simulate the termal flux in composite material using heat equation and perfect contact between the materials. But I can't enter the fourier condiction and my code don't work!!

Any help??


> restart; with(plots); with(PDEtools); with(plottool
> eq1 := diff(u1(x, t), x, x) = k1*(diff(u1(x, t), t));
                    d  / d          \      / d          \
                   --- |--- u1(x, t)| = k1 |--- u1(x, t)|
                    dx \ dx         /      \ dt         /
> eq2 := diff(u2(x, t), x, x) = k1*(diff(u2(x, t), t));
                    d  / d          \      / d          \
                   --- |--- u2(x, t)| = k1 |--- u2(x, t)|
                    dx \ dx         /      \ dt         /
> L := 10; v1 := 20; v2 := 10; k1 = 10; k2 := 20;
                                   k1 = 10
> bc1 := u1(0, t) = v1, u1(x, 0) = 0;
                         u1(0, t) = 20, u1(x, 0) = 0
> bc2 := u2(0, t) = v2, u2(x, 0) = 0;
                         u2(0, t) = 10, u2(x, 0) = 0
> sol1 := pdsolve({bc1, eq1});
Warning: System is inconsistent




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