Question: System of pdes unable to get the solution and plot

Dear maple user ,while solving the system of pdes i am getting the errors and unable to plot the curves. please help me to  rectify the errors and  plot the curves.

Thanks in advance


sys1:= {G*(beta^2*u(r,z)*diff(u(r,z),z)+v(r,z)*diff(u(r,z),r)) = -diff(p(r,z),z) +beta^2*diff(u(r,z), z$2)+diff(u(r,z),r$2)+(1/r)*diff(u(r,z),r),G*(beta^2*u(r,z)*diff(v(r,z),z)+v(r,z)*diff(v(r,z),r)) = -diff(p(r,z),r) +beta^2*diff(v(r,z), z$2)+diff(v(r,z),r$2)+(1/r)*diff(v(r,z),r)-(v(r,z)/r^2),beta^2*diff(u(r,z),z)+diff(v(r,z),r)+(v(r,z)/r)=0  }:

IBC:=(D[1](u))(0, z) = 0,v(0,z)=0,phi*(D[1](u))(1, z)+u(1,z) = 0,v(1,z)=epsilon*(p(1,z)+(Pa/alpha)-1),p(r,-1)=0,p(1,z)=(Pv-Pa)/alpha:
sol := pdsolve(sys1, IBC, numeric):

p1 := sol:-plot(u(r, z), phi = 0, numpoints = 100, z = -1 .. 1, color = ["Blue"], legend = ["u(r,z)"]):

p2 := sol:-plot(u(r, z), phi = 0.15, numpoints = 100, z = -1. 1, color = ["red"], legend = ["u(r,z)"]):

p3 := sol:-plot(u(r, z), phi = 0.4, numpoints = 100, z = -1 .. 1, color = ["green"], legend = ["u(r,z)"]):

plots:-display({p1, p2,p3});


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