Question: animate images/create movi

with(IterativeMaps): with(ImageTools):


BP := proc(f, S, I, m, M, xm, xM)
    local L;
    L := Bifurcation([x], f, S, m, M, xmin=xm, xmax=xM, height=800, width=1300, iterations=I+500):
end proc:


F := []:
f := [sign(r)*ln(abs(r))*cot(x)*(log[2+abs(r)](abs(x)) - x*sin(x))]:

F := [op(F), BP(f, [0.1], 10000, -10, 10, -15, 15)]:
F := [op(F), BP(f, [0.2], 10000, -10, 10, -15, 15)]:

F := [op(F), BP(f, [0.3], 10000, -10, 10, -15, 15)]:

F := [op(F), BP(f, [0.4], 10000, -10, 10, -15, 15)]:


I was trying to create some images of some bifurcations. I can't seem to create an animation from the images.


Also, Embed works great but each call to BP overwrites the previous image(rather than creating a new image)... Preview works but doesn't scale the images up properly.

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