Question: Need help with plotting a partial differential eq

I am new to maple. I am trying to plot3d  the following differential eq:

eq1 := diff(c(x, t), t) - 1.5*diff(c(x, t), x, x) + 0.05/(x + 0.001) = 0

With these initial conditions:

ics := c(x, 0) = 0, c(0, t) = 10, D[1](c)(20, t) = 0

And then I slove and plot this:

sol := rhs(dsolve({eq1, ics}, c(x, t)))

plot3d(sol, x = 0 .. 20, t = 0 .. 100, labels = [x, t, c])

But I only get an empty coordinate system with no plot. I don't have this problem when in the last line of the eq, I have 0.05*x instead of 0.05/(x + 0.001).

Could someone help me with what might be the problem?




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