Question: linear transformation

 Suppose that A is an m×n real matrix. The function TA:ℝn→ℝm   defined by

TA(x)=Ax,  for all 𝕩∈ℝn

     is a linear transformation.

let A=<< 87, -66, -90, 12, 48>|<-36, -40, -82, -54, 15>|<99, 79, 76, -31, 27>|<-69, 15, -10, 45, -9>>

and x= <9,-4,2,-17>.

Then TA(x)=   Preview   

   Alternatively, you can copy your answer from your Maple worksheet and paste it to the answer box.


(b) Suppose now that the linear map T:ℝ2→ℝ3  is defined by, for all 𝕩=(x1,x2)∈ℝ2

 T(x)=  <<x1+6x2>|<−2x2>|<−4x1+2x2>>


     Enter the matrix M , in Maple syntax, in the box below such that T(x)=Mx  for all x∈ℝ2,  

  M=    Preview   


Can someone pls help me with this question. TIA.




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