Question: RE: Simplifying the result from symbolic multiplication

Hello there, 

Is there any way to make the equation 'Given_eq_3_37a' in the calculation below to be 'desired'?

Perhaps, the issue of the 'L__1' and '1/L__1' might have been in the way, but perhaps that might be overcome in a different way. 

Thank you, 

In Kwon Park 



Given_eq_3_37 := M = k_ * sqrt(L__1 * L__2);

M = k_*(L__1*L__2)^(1/2)


Given_eq_3_30 := k_ = sqrt((L__m)^2 / (L__1 * L__2p));

k_ = (L__m^2/(L__1*L__2p))^(1/2)


Given_eq_3_37a := simplify(subs([Given_eq_3_30], Given_eq_3_37));

M = (L__m^2/(L__1*L__2p))^(1/2)*(L__1*L__2)^(1/2)


desired := M = sqrt(L__m^2/(L__1*L__2p)*(L__1*L__2));

M = (L__m^2*L__2/L__2p)^(1/2)





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