Question: Numbering of constants

Good afternoon. How do I disable the numbering of _Z constants? Because
of this, you can't use the procedure in a loop
Is it possible to disable numbering or do something else?

restart; with(linalg); t := 3



S := proc (a, b, z) local L, y, s1, s2, sist, chl, lambda1; L := diff(y(x), x, x) = lambda*y(x); assume(lambda < 0); dsolve(L, y(x)); y := unapply(rhs(%), x); s1 := y(a) = 0; s2 := y(b) = 0; sist := {s1, s2}; genmatrix(sist, {_C1, _C2}); det(%); chl := combine(%); _EnvAllSolutions := true; solve(chl); sort(%); lambda1 := subs(_Z1 = k, %); print(lambda1); lambda1 := unapply(%, k); lambda1(z) end proc:

S(0, Pi, 3);

Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.






for i to t do S(0, Pi, i) end do:

Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.




Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.




Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.






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