Question: Points of intersection

Hi! Do you know how to compute this point of intersection? I thought that would be points given from


but it's not true. I don't want to calculate this numerically because I think it should be seen from formula but ofc I can be wrong.

I'll give the code below:

f := t -> exp(t) + exp(-t^2 - 2*t);
g := t -> exp(-t^2) + exp(-t^2 - 2*t);
display(plot([f(t), g(t), t = -3 .. 3], discont = true, color = red), pointplot([[2, 2], [exp(-1) + exp(1), exp(-1) + exp(1)]], color = blue, symbol = solidcircle), view = [0 .. 6, 0 .. 4], plot([2, t, t = 0 .. 4]));



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