Question: How to rebuild commutators

How to reconstruct commutators like for example in Drinfeld associators (see (4.5) in

We have as computed in (note to run this it requires loading HyperInt package

H[2] := a^2*(e[0]*e[1] - e[1]*e[0])*zeta[2]

H[3] := zeta[3]*a^3*(((e[0]*e[1]^2 + e[0]^2*e[1] - (2*e[1])*e[0]*e[1]) + e[1]^2*e[0]) - (2*e[0])*e[1]*e[0] + e[1]*e[0]^2)

H[4] := zeta[2]^2*a^4*((((((4*e[0])*e[1]^3 + (12*e[0])*e[1]*e[0]^2 - (5*e[1])*e[0]^2*e[1] - (4*e[1])*e[0]^3) - (4*e[1]^3)*e[0]) + (7*e[1])*e[0]*e[1]*e[0] + (12*e[1]^2)*e[0]*e[1] + (3*e[0])*e[1]*e[0]*e[1] - (12*e[0]^2)*e[1]*e[0] - (5*e[0])*e[1]^2*e[0] + e[0]^2*e[1]^2 - (12*e[1])*e[0]*e[1]^2) - e[1]^2*e[0]^2) + (4*e[0]^3)*e[1])/10

And we want maple rebuild them as  commutators as below ([x,y]=xy-yx). Correspondingly:

H[2] :=zeta[2] [e[0] , e[1] ]

H[3] :=zeta[ 3] ( [e[0] , [e[0], e[1] ]] − [e[1] , [e[0] , e[1] ]] )

H[4] :=zeta[4] [e[0] , [e[0], [e[0] , e[1]]]] −1/4* [e[0] , [e[1] , [e[0] ,e[1] ]]] + [e[1] , [e[1] , [e[0] , e[1] ]]] + 5/4*[e[0], e[1]] ^2

Does anyone know how to do it?

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