Question: RE: How to collect an expression by a term

Hello there, 

Is there any chance to see that the 'eq_5_22_desired' expression shown below can be derived from a collection of the commands. similar to what's given in the 'eq_5_22a'? In other words, is it possible to make Maple aware of the point that 'L__ad/(L__ad + L__fd)' can be interpreted as 'L__ad*L__fd/(L__ad + L__fd) * 1/L__fd'?




eq_5_22 := Psi__ad = -L__ad*L__fd*i__d*1/(L__ad + L__fd) + L__ad*Psi__fd*1/(L__ad + L__fd);

Psi__ad = -L__ad*L__fd*i__d/(L__ad+L__fd)+L__ad*Psi__fd/(L__ad+L__fd)


eq_5_23x := L__ad__p = 1 / (1/L__ad + 1/L__fd);

L__ad__p = 1/(1/L__ad+1/L__fd)


eq_5_23 := L__ad__p = evala(rhs(eq_5_23x));

L__ad__p = L__ad*L__fd/(L__ad+L__fd)


eq_5_22a := Psi__ad = collect(expand(solve(eq_5_18x, Psi__ad)), rhs(eq_5_23)); # error

Error, invalid input: expand expects 1 argument, but received 0


eq_5_22_desired := Psi__ad = -L__ad__p*i__d + L__ad__p*Psi__fd/L__fd;

Psi__ad = -L__ad__p*i__d+L__ad__p*Psi__fd/L__fd




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