Question: Solve hyperbolic trigonometric function

I'm new to maple and I dont know how to solve this equation for k=1 to 4 and finding the roots. If anyone can help with this.

Equation  "cos(k).cosh(k)-1=0"

B := ((cos(k)) . (cosh(k))) - 1 = 0;
               B := (cos(k)) . (cosh(k)) - 1 = 0

solve(B, k);
               RootOf((cos(_Z)) . (cosh(_Z)) - 1)

solve(B, k);
               RootOf((cos(_Z)) . (cosh(_Z)) - 1)

plot(((cos(l)) . (cosh(l))) - 1, l = 5*_8);
Error, (in plot) unexpected option: l = 5*_8
solve(B, k = 1 .. 4);
Error, invalid input: too many and/or wrong type of arguments passed to solve; first unused argument is k = 1 .. 4
solve(B, k, k = 1 .. 4);
Error, invalid input: too many and/or wrong type of arguments passed to solve; first unused argument is k = 1 .. 4
solve({B}, {k = 1 .. 4});
Warning, solving for expressions other than names or functions is not recommended.

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