Question: Where is wrong in this code?

I am trying to find the integer numbers a, b, c, d, t so that the equation sqrt(a x^2 + b x + c) = d x + t have two integer solutions. My code

First I solve

solve(a*x^2 + b*x + c = (d*x + t)^2, x);

I get

(2*d*t - b + sqrt(4*a*t^2 - 4*b*d*t + 4*c*d^2 - 4*a*c + b^2))/(2*(-d^2 + a)), -(-2*d*t + sqrt(4*a*t^2 - 4*b*d*t + 4*c*d^2 - 4*a*c + b^2) + b)/(2*(-d^2 + a))

And then, I solve
n := 0;
for a to 10 do
for b to 10 do
for c to 10 do
for d to 10 do
for t to 10 do
mydelta := 4*a*t^2 - 4*b*d*t + 4*c*d^2 - 4*a*c + b^2;
if 0 < mydelta and type(mydelta, integer) then
x1 := (2*d*t - b + sqrt(4*a*t^2 - 4*b*d*t + 4*c*d^2 - 4*a*c + b^2))/(2*(-d^2 + a));
x2 := -(-2*d*t + sqrt(4*a*t^2 - 4*b*d*t + 4*c*d^2 - 4*a*c + b^2) + b)/(2*(-d^2 + a));
if 0 < d*x1 + t and 0 < d*x2 + t and type(x1, integer) and type(x2, integer) and nops({a, b, c, d, t}) = 5 and c <> t^2 and -d^2 + a <> 0 and nops({x1, x2}) = 2 then n := n + 1; L[n] := [a, b, c, d, t]; end if; end if; end do; end do; end do; end do;
end do;
L := convert(L, list);

I don't get any solutions. But, when I  solve(sqrt(2*x^2 + 3*x + 5) = x + 9, x); I get two solutions 19, -4.
Where is wrong in my code?

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