Question: Optional parameter naming

I have a repetative set of parameter names used in procedures in a package. I settled on making all optional inputs in the format {name::type:=something}. Originally I wanted to use non capitalised names for the optional inputs. But the names clash with Maple commands. I have all sorts of quicky abbreviations like prnt etc. These are both messy and tacky. For many of my choices I would seem to have to use capitalised naming to give a meaningful name. The problem here is these names are used in other Maple packages. So sooner or later there is going to be a clash.

Is there a way a of handling this? Like can I defiine package parameter names? Or should I just stick with my abbreviations?

I read somewhere about this problem in the help years ago. I think Basis was the example used in different packages GroebinerBasis and Polynomial package and using PackageName:-Basis to avoid the clash with both loaded. But that is more a command level handling.




print("1 Point= ",Point);  #I currently use points
print("2 Line= ",Line);   #                 linetype
print("3 Colour=  ",Colour); #              clr     this has nothing to do with plotting colour
print("4 Scale= ",Scale);   #               scl   
print("5 Print= ",Print);   #               prnt
end proc


proc (x, y, { Colour := "Blue", Line := [colour = green, thickness = 2], Point := [symbol = solidcircle, colour = purple], Print := "y", Scale := 5 }) print("1 Point= ", Point); print("2 Line= ", Line); print("3 Colour=  ", Colour); print("4 Scale= ", Scale); print("5 Print= ", Print); Scale*x/y end proc



"1 Point= ", [symbol = solidcircle, colour = purple]


"2 Line= ", [colour = green, thickness = 2]


"3 Colour=  ", "Blue"


"4 Scale= ", 5


"5 Print= ", "y"





"1 Point= ", [symbol = solidcircle, colour = purple]


"2 Line= ", [colour = green, thickness = 2]


"3 Colour=  ", "Blue"


"4 Scale= ", 5


"5 Print= ", "y"






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