Question: timelimit hang in Maple 2024.1 on int

I thought I had post with collection showing timelimit still hangs in Maple. But can't find it searching. I wanted to add this to it.

If someone finds such post, please let me know and I will append this to that post and delete this.

I just found another example where int() hangs all of Maple, using timelimit. I put timelimit of 30 seconds. After 2 hrs it is still running.

Maple 2024.1 on windows 10. This shows clearly that timelimit in Maple still does not work when It was supposed to have been fixed in Maple 2021?

For me, if there is anything that will make me stop using Maple for good, it is this timelimit issue.

Because with timelimit not working all the time, my program keeps hanging. It is not possible to do antything then. Having to keep checking if the program is still running or have hanged and restarting it is not a way to develop software.

Software that have been in development for almost 45 years now like Maple, should have figured by now how to implement timelimit that works. 

Note that, with smaller timelimit it is possible it will  not hang, because longer time limit makes it end in the code path which causes the hang. When I tried 5 seconds for example instead of 30 second, it did not hang With 30 it does. so if you try it and it does not hang, please increase the timelimit a little and it will surely hang. Just make sure to do restart each time, since Maple remembers last result.

maple's server.exe was running at full cpu also.



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1810 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, September 18, 18:16 hours Pacific Time.`


"C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib"


try #this hangs
    print("finished with no timeout");
    print("waiting for timeout");
end try;






Update OCT 10, 2024

This is another example showing hang in Maple 2024.1 using timelimit. So adding it to this collection. I had large collection of such problems but not able to find it now.

I was trying to verify this solution (which could very well be wrong) on ode with IC. timelimit hangs when I added assumptions as shown. Used 10,20,30 seconds, and so on. all hang. Waited and waited. 

Does it hang on other systems? I am using Windows 10 and Maple 2024.1 with 128 GB RAM on fast CPU.


sol:=y(x) = -8/9*x-11/9+1/9*arcsin(1/103*2509^(1/2)*tan(1/5*(x+5/2509*2509^(1/2)*arctan(1/2509*2509^(1/2)*(103*tan(37)+90*sec(37)))-1)*2509^(1/2))*(90*2509^(1/2)*tan(1/5*(x+5/2509*2509^(1/2)*arctan(1/2509*2509^(1/2)*(103*tan(37)+90*sec(37)))-1)*2509^(1/2))-103*(2509*tan(1/5*(x+5/2509*2509^(1/2)*arctan(1/2509*2509^(1/2)*(103*tan(37)+90*sec(37)))-1)*2509^(1/2))^2+2509)^(1/2))/(2509*tan(1/5*(x+5/2509*2509^(1/2)*arctan(1/2509*2509^(1/2)*(103*tan(37)+90*sec(37)))-1)*2509^(1/2))^2+10609)-90/103):
ode:=5*diff(y(x),x) = 7+10*sin(8*x+9*y(x)+11):
IC:=y(1) = 2:


    timelimit(30,`assuming`([odetest(sol,[ode, op(IC)],func)],[positive, func::positive]));
    print("timed out OK");
end try;
print("After try/catch");



I would like to officially offer $1,000 prize for any one who can solve the timelimit hanging problem in Maple. Will send you personal check of this amount if you find why it hangs and provide fix to use that I can verify works.

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