Question: Animation with 2d phase space selector

An animation only allows one time parameter.

I have an setup in which I have a time parameter + another parameter or more(e.g., offset, scale, whatever).

I would like some way to easily traverse phase space and see the result and animate with time at those specific parameters(ideally animate along any path in the phase space).

In my case what this means is that there is a 2D rectangle in which represents the phase space. E.g., time x offset. This effects the animation by setting the current parameters. If the animation is animated in time it moves across the vertical. Basically a "2d slider". Alternatively have actually 2(or more) independent sliders.

Currently I have to manually set the parameter then re-execute the animation to see the new animation.


  animation(plot, [f(t,offset)], t=0..1,offset=1..5)

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