Question: Write results of loop to file with save command

Example code

printlevel :=1     

for indx1 from 1 by 1 to  3  do  

f[indx1] :=indx1;  

 end do;

This prints

How do I use the "save" command to save exactly the loop's results above to a file so that I can read the file later and execute it in another  maple worksheet.

The maple manual 

for "save"   contains no examples, and definately not how to save results of a loop using the save command. e.g. how do you append  with a file using the "save" command ?

Note: I dont need any help with reading the results, from the saved file, my question is only about writing the results with "save" command. The "save" command gives me the best results for reading files back into a speadsheet, and text file save routines just gives me ascii garbage and not the exact results in executable maple format as "save" does, saving exacltly what you see on screen. Therefore text save routines are useless to me.

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