Question: relative paths does not seem to work.

Relative path does not seems to work on Linux.
 e.g. consider the read command
 `read  "/home/harpo/skits/slapstick/"

At the moment I have to enter the full path above as stated to be able to read in ""

This highly unfortunte, as generally you want to specify a path, independent of the home path.

That would mean

read "~/skits/slapstick/"   , but this does not work. Any idea why ?

Furthermore using "currentdir" to set the current directory, I also have to use the full path from root "\" which is highly unusual.

Lastly given that I set a current directory with currentdir, how do I use the currentdir to read a file inside currentdir with read command ?


currentdir "/home/harpo/skits"
how do I read the file in a worksheet using from the  currentdir

e.g. it should be

read "slapstick/"

But that doesnt work either.

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