Question: where to find PSolver package. Missing from Maple's application center.

in this link  there is paper/application 

An Extension of the Prelle-Singer Method and a Maple Implementation

which is supposed to have Maple package called  with(PSsolver);

But when downloading the application (by clicking on the download link) and opening it, it only has one file 


Where will the package (source code) itself PSolver be?  I can't see any other link in the Maple page above to download additional files which might include the package itself.

The worksheet above says this

Before actualy introducing the ideas concerning our program, let us first load it to the Maple section. (Please, put the library file into directory `c:/DirectoryWhereIputtheLibrary`).

I googled and not able to find it also. This was written almost 24 years ago, so trying to contact the author now might not be good idea.

Should not the Maple application be all self contained with all the files needed to run it?

Any one has copy of this package by any chance?

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