Question: Animation about the uniform distribution modulo 1 requested (Hermann Weyl)

In Peter Winkler's book "Mathematical Mind-Benders" the now famous problem of dividing an ice cream cake is posed. It asks: If, when cutting the circular cake with any central angle (whether rational or irrational), neighboring piece after neighboring piece is constantly cut off, the cake segment is rotated to the previous top side, and the cut surface is considered to be healed, then after a finite number of cuts the top side is back where it was at the beginning. I also fell for it at first and assumed that according to Weyl's theorem (uniform distribution modulo 1) this is not possible and therefore the central angle must be rational. I have since found a solution according to which the cutting process must stop after a finite number of steps. Weyl's theorem is obviously not applicable here. Why - I am still puzzling over that.

Now I am interested in whether Maple can be used to animate the uniform distribution modulo 1 on the unit circle and to display the associated statistics in the sense of a sample and calculate the sample value of the uniform distribution. As a Maple beginner, I am not yet able to do this and am asking for help.

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