Question: How can I calculate a matrix of tensor contractions efficiently?

I'm calcuating an endomorphism in 2d dimensions. It is contructed out of a tensor contraction, for example, in 6-dimensions, the endomorphism is

K[mu,~nu] = LeviCivita[~alpha,~beta,~gamma,~delta,~upsilon,~nu]*C[alpha,beta,gamma]*C[delta,upsilon,mu]

I appreciate that, in terms of computation, this gets big quickly: it's something like O(exp) in time to sum over repeated indices in each matrix entry. Therefore, I thought, instead of putting the above expression in Define, I could make a matrix with unsummed entries, and then do the sums in parallel using Threads[Map](SumOverRepeatedIndices,...) but looking at my CPU usage and comparing execution times, it doesn't appear that this is working.

Is there any way I can more efficiently calculate these matrix entries?

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