Question: Chain Rule

Question:Chain Rule

rpcroke 104 Maple

How do I get Maple to recognize the Chain rule symbolically?

I have an ODE that looks like this:

u = a[0] + a[1]*w(q) + a[2]*w'(q) + a[3]*w(q)^2

where u,a[i],q are all functions of (x,y,t), so W is really W(q(x,y,t)).  W' is d/dq(W).  I am having trouble figuring out how to get Maple to recognize W' and still being able to take derivatives with respect to x,y, or t.

I want to get the following:

diff(W',x) = W''*q_x or in words: two derivatives of W with respect to q times q_x.

How can I do this?


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