Question: numerically solving ode's in maple

I need to numerically solve a 2nd order ode in maple and compare the numerically solved DE with the analytical solution by finding the error and plotting it as a function of time. I know how to solve the DE numerically in maple using dsolve(......, numeric), for example, sol :=dsolve({D(y)(t)=t^2-sin(y(t)),y(0)=1},y(t),type=numeric); and then out comes the solution as a procedure, sol := proc(rkf45_t) ... end sol(2); [t=2, y(t)=2.156829] So the solution at t=2 is 2.15. However, as you can see the answer comes out as a list. I won't be able to take the difference of a function and a list. Is there anyway I can get by this?
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