Question: Ploting a 3D graph and make a 3D regresssion

Dear all,

I'm trying to obtain a 3D graph with Maple starting with 3 experimental variables : IC50, REDOX, LIPO
Here are my list of points and the procedure I wrote.

> with(CurveFitting);
> with(plots);
> IC50 := [5, .5, .6, 1.5, 1, 3, .8];
> REDOX := [.2, .41, .52, .72, .69, .56, .38];
> LIPO := [.572, 2.233, 1.966, 2.107, 1.919, 1.008, 2.345];
> pointplot3d(REDOX, IC50, LIPO, axes = normal, symbol = sphere);

So I got the graph (which is not very beautiful for the moment).
Is it possible to make annotation on the axes (IC50, REDOX, LIPO)?

Now I would like to do a 3D regression on my points to get a map to observe how we ca correlate IC50, REDOX and LIPO. I looked the help file and saw that I could use the CurveFitting[ArrayInterpolation]. But I really don't understand how I can do that. Does somebody can help me?

Thanks a lot

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