Question: Installation problems in Linux

First of all, let me apologize if this is not the correct place to post this, I couldn't find any place for technical help requests.. So I just installed Maple 13. I used to have version 12 already installed. From the moment I installed 13, I had problems running both versions. I guess I shouldn't install them both together. So I deleted the installation folders (/opt/maple12 and /opt/maple13) as well as any configuration files (~/.maple). I couldn't find anything else containing the word 'maple' so I assume I completely removed everything (and there was no uninstallation script, so I assume the only way to do it is to manually delete everything). Now no matter what version of maple I install, or what command I give, I get this: and after about a minute, this: The only thing related to my problem I found by googling around, was this: which doesn't apply to me as it states that this problem is caused when you install maple in a fat32 partition - not my case. Also the second error message talks about conflicts with firewalls. To my knowledge, I have nothing like this installed. Can anybody guide me to the right direction about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance..
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