Question: Third Order Polynomial Fitting

I would like to try the polynomial fit curve to the data points that I get below.  The data is for melting temperatures vs bond energy. 

> with (Statistics):
> Temperatures := <801, 2800, 1410, 3551, -39, 660, 1538, 3410, -189, -101, -78, 0>:
> BondEnergy :=  <3.3, 5.2, 4.7, 7.4, .7, 3.4, 4.2, 8.8, 0.08, .32, .36, .52>:
> BondEnergyFit := Fit (a+b*t+c*t^2+d*t^3, Temperatures, BondEnergy, t)


However I did not get any equation that would fit this data.  Please help.

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