Question: Coeff RationalInterpolation

How to ensure that the coefficients are displayed in a more understandable?

ET := Matrix(21, 2, {(1, 1) = -6.25629, (1, 2) = -268.935, (2, 1) = -6.22919, (2, 2) = -259.340, (3, 1) = -6.19773, (3, 2) = -252.870, (4, 1) = -6.17138, (4, 2) = -248.595, (5, 1) = -6.15358, (5, 2) = -246.048, (6, 1) = -5.87302, (6, 2) = -218.789, (7, 1) = -5.75328, (7, 2) = -210.002, (8, 1) = -5.53559, (8, 2) = -195.802, (9, 1) = -5.31472, (9, 2) = -182.962, (10, 1) = -2.74070, (10, 2) = -78.476, (11, 1) = -1.43494, (11, 2) = -38.862, (12, 1) = 0., (12, 2) = 0., (13, 1) = 1.06790, (13, 2) = 26.870, (14, 1) = 4.27730, (14, 2) = 100.000, (15, 1) = 5.34140, (15, 2) = 122.370, (16, 1) = 7.03640, (16, 2) = 156.634, (17, 1) = 11.01330, (17, 2) = 231.968, (18, 1) = 13.21880, (18, 2) = 271.442, (19, 1) = 16.09530, (19, 2) = 321.108, (20, 1) = 16.47330, (20, 2) = 327.502, (21, 1) = 18.21790, (21, 2) = 356.660});
X := ET[1 .. (), 1];
XX := `~`[convert](X, rational);
Y := ET[1 .. (), 2];;
YY := `~`[convert](Y, rational);
top_order := 7; bottm_order := 6;
CurveFitting[RationalInterpolation](XX, YY, x, degrees = [top_order, bottm_order]);



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