Question: Solve ode system with dsolve/numeric in its matrix form

Hello, I've been trying for weeks to solve a system writen in its matrix form like: M*y(t)'' + C*y(t)' + K*y(t) = F(t) My system can have like 300 dof. If I generate all de equations and I use the dsolve/numeric command, it works but not all the time. I think that there is a problem with the Heaviside function that I have in some coefficients of my matrix. I've been reading in forums that it's better to have a first order system to solve complex problems. For that we can create a procedure as explained in the dsolve/numeric/IVP help. I would like to work with my matrix and vectors without generate all the equations. I think that that is possible but I'm not able to do it, even with a case of 2 dog with initial conditions set to 0. I will be very tankfull if someone can help me with this problem. Thanks!
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