Question: An Button (Embedded Component) to start an Animation


Lets say I have a simple animation such as the code below.



p := [seq([x, 30*x-x^2], x = 0 .. 30)]: 

An := proc (x)

pointplot(p[round(x)], axes = box, color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 30)

end proc:

animate(An, [x], x = 1 .. nops(p), frames = nops(p), trace = nops(p)) ;



Now I want a Button (Embedded Component) to start this animation. How can this be done ?

I have not figured out how to tell the button to play the animation and not simply load it .....humm

For example the below code will not work !



p := [seq([x, 30*x-x^2], x = 0 .. 30)];

An := proc (x)

pointplot(p[round(x)], axes = box, color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 30)

end proc;

Ann := animate(An, [x], x = 1 .. nops(p), frames = nops(p), trace = nops(p));

Do(%Plot1 = Ann);


Any ideas ??

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