Question: "too many levels of recursion" error?!

Hello everybody, I am a bit stuck here because I have the problem above, any help would be really appreciated.. E1:={{0,2},{0,7},{0,a},{0,b},{1,3},{1,8},{1,9},{1,a},{1,e},{2,3},{2,a},{2,d},{2,e},{3,4},{3,6},{4,8},{5,7},{5,a}, {5,e},{6,c},{6,e},{7,8},{7,a},{7,e},{8,b},{9,a},{a,c},{c,d},{c,e},{e,f}}; for e in E1 do e; end do; {0, 2} {0, 7} {0, a} {0, b} {1, 3} {1, 8} {1, 9} {1, a} Error, too many levels of recursion Then if I try to run the same loop or any other loop in the form "for e in E1", then not even a few iterations happen; the same error message appears immediately.. Any ideas? I am sure the pc is not running out of memory! Thanks in advance..
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