Question: finding coefficient of equation and solving equation


please help me here:

I have a polynomial:

P := x->a*x^3 + b*x^2+c*x+d:

Now, first i want to find a, b, c and d. I know the following:-

1. value of P at x0 let it be e. 2. value of derivative of P at x0, let it be f. 3. value of P at x1, let it be g 4. value of derivative of P at x1, let it be h.

i used the following command:

solve({P(x0) = e, (D(P))(x0) = f, P(x1) = g, (D(P))(x1) = h}, {c, d, a, b})

but i am not getting any output****

now i want to solve P(x) = 0

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