Question: Help me with an error with calling a spline!!

Hey guys, I am trying to plot a direction field using Maple 11.: //*** first I define the spline, this is the function that is giving me the error with(CurveFitting); BasinArea := H -> Spline([[-10, 36000000], [-8, 47000000], [-6, 57000000], [-4, 70000000], [-2, 81000000], [0, 89000000], [2, 95000000], [4, 100000000], [6, 105000000], [8, 111000000], [10, 125000000]], H, degree = 3) ; //*** then I define the two other functions that are used in the DE (error is not in these but I include them for //*** completeness) z := t -> 4.713*sin((1/22356)*Pi*t)+.743*sin((1/21600)*Pi*t)+.964*sin((1/22788)*Pi*t) ; Sluice := H -> piecewise(0 <>
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