Question: extreme value excercise solving with maple


i have to calculate a extreme value for a box that is open on one side that should have a volume of 32.

V = x * y*z

For the surface ob the box-sides i used this function:

O = 2xz + xy + 2yz

my idea was to solve this in maple using lagrange because i ve a side condition

L:=(x,y,lambda)->x*y + 2*x*z * 2*y*z +lambda*(x*y*z-32);
solve({diff(L(x,y,lambda),x)=0, diff(L(x,y,lambda),y)=0, diff(L(x,y,lambda),lambda)=0});

it gives me for my values x = 32/x*y; y = y; z =z

how can i calculate the values y and z ? (without doing the whole extrem value calculation on the non-lagrange way)

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