Question: Exp vs e

Question:Exp vs e

SandorSzabo 607 Maple

I typed in

series( 1/4*sqrt(2)*sqrt(Pi)*exp(-1/2)*(erf(1/2*sqrt(2)*x-1/2*I*sqrt(2))+erf(1/2*sqrt(2)*x+1/2*I*sqrt(2)))*exp(1/2*x^2),x);

I used  exp to avoid a pitfall.

Maple says

          /-1\    /1\     1         /-1\       /1\  3   1       /-1\      /1\  5      / 6\
    exp|--| exp|-| x + - exp|--| exp|-| x  + -- exp|--| exp|-| x  + O\x /
           \2 /    \2/     6         \2 /       \2/      24      \2 /      \2/          

Why Maple does not write  1  instead of  exp(-1/2) exp(1/2)   ?


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