Question: Multilinear procedures?

Hi, I am trying to create a multi-linear procedure with a memory (remember). I would like the function to implement (x,y)-> int(int(x*y),,tf=0..T) where x and y would normally be functions of t. I don't seem to be able to figure out how make this happen. The above function is effectively an inner product. I would like to calculate the inner product for the basis functions and remember their values. This will speed up my future computations drastically. If I just define the function without the multilinear property, the function does recognize the linear combinations with the remember. That is if I compute f(a,c) and f(b,c), the lookup table does not know how to process f(a+b,c). It should just equal f(a,c)+f(b,c). Any help? Thanks, Art
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