Question: How to work around divided by zero?

I have been trying to solve the following differential equation with 2 starting conditions. (It's the equation of a mechanical vibration). >diff(x(t), t, t)+4*Pi^2*x(t) = 200*sin(hoekvers*t) beginvw:=x(0)=5,D(x)(0)=0; The result: >Opl:=dsolve({DV,beginvw},x(t)); >Opl:=x(t) = -100*sin(2*Pi*t)*hoekvers/(Pi*(4*Pi^2-hoekvers^2))+5*cos(2*Pi*t)+200*sin(hoekvers*t)/(4*Pi^2-hoekvers^2) Now I want to plot the graphic of this vibration when hoekvers=2*Pi. (In that case there is resonance) I get the error dived by zero. As you see the numer is zero when I fill in 2*Pi. For 2*Pi+0.000000000001 I get no error and a good graphic but this is not a good and exact method according to me. I've tried to work around this problem by substituting 2*Pi before solving the equation but then Maple gives me no output so nothing to plot. Is there a way to work around this?
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