Question: Iterating an Equilibrium - fsolve

Hi, I am new to Maple and am having trouble with what should be a simple task. I have a series of simultaneoous equations of the form a*x+b*y=c etc. I have found an initial equilibrium by choosing values of x and y which give me reasonable values of a and b (using the Solve command I have output of a,b,c,x,y which satisfy my equations). Now, I need to use the parameters I have, my a,b,c, to try and retrieve my x and y (my real aim in this is to see the effect on the x,y when I change the a,b,c). When I try and put the equations plus parameter values into Solve it takes a very long time to solve (I stop after 20mins). What I want to do is use the equilibrium values I obtained before to give Maple a starting point to search for a solution. So, I want to do something like this: FSolve({ax+by=c, a=p1,b=p2,c=p3},{x=1..2,y=2..3}) where the range for x and y includes the output I have before - this should solve the sytem very quickly, right? However I keep getting the following output: Error, (in fsolve) Case of systems of equations involving procedures is not implemented yet I am using Maple 11. It would be great if someone could direct me how to sort this out as I have spent far too long on this already. thanks in advance!
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