Question: Solutions of Bessel's Equation

I have written a couple of lines in Maple as follows, to evaluate for the roots of Bessel's equation, J: m:=0; n:=1; p[m,n]:=evalf(BesselJZeros(m,n)); This produces a value of 2.405 for p[0,1], and p[1,1] to be 3.832 which is what I'm looking for. However, I also want to be able to evaluate Bessel's equation to get the roots for J', that would give p[0,1] to be 3.832, p[1,1] to be 1.841 etc. I can't find anything in the Maple help on the topic - well, nothing that provides actual solutions. Sorry I haven't worded this very well, but I'm not sure on the actual mathematical wordage for this problem.
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