Question: How to plot functions that would be joined on one diagram?

How to plot functions that would be joined on one diagram? > > > How can these functions Mg_1(x), Mg_2(x), Mg_3(x), be joined in one diagram? These functions are only examples and there can be more of them (as many as the elements of the constructions). > > restart; > element A_B > > Mg_1:=x->(8/25*q*(5*l-x)^2-9/5*q*l*(5*l-x)): > Mg_1(x); > q:=1:l:=10:x1:=5*l: > plot(Mg_1(x),x=0..x1); > element B_C > q:='q':l:='l': > Mg_2:=x->(-3*q*l^2+q*l*(4*l-x)): > Mg_2(x); > q:=1:l:=10:x2:=4*l: > plot(Mg_2(x),x=0..x2); > > element C_D > q:='q':l:='l': > Mg_3:=x->(-q*l*(3*l-x)): > Mg_3(x); > q:=1:l:=10:x3:=3*l: > plot(Mg_3(x),x=0..x3); > > >
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